Objects #3, #4, #5: M31, M32, M110
Location: Clarington, ON
Date/Time: Sep. 23, 2013 9:35 PM
Constellation: Andromeda
Seeing: Above average with gibbous moon starting to rise
Telescope: D=305 mm F=1500 mm
Magnification: 62 x @ 82° AFOV
Notes: I should have sketched this before M13. Seeing above average but waning gibbous moon had started to rise while obseving these. M31 was a faint dark grey smudge. Dark lanes were not noticeable. M31 appeared close by looking like a faint star. M110 was a small faint smudge visible with averted vision.

On September 17, 2013, I officially started the pursuit of my Messier 30 certificate. It is an exciting awards program for astronomy club members and a way for amateur astronomers to keep track of their observations. The Messier 30 is the first milestone in AstronomyForum.net‘s certificate program. The Durham Region Astronomy Association also has one.
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